Wednesday, December 15, 2010

mulled wine sorbet...hmmmm...major fail????

So i've been ultra excited about making different ice creams and sorbets for our (ex now :-() housemate family Christmas dinner after sweet Marianne lent me her ice cream maker. [lent!? lets face it she's never getting it back!] The one i've been most excited about was mulled wine sorbet. We love sangria, mulled wine and all things related in our house, this was gonna be my star. 

All was going well, flavours are good, my house smells amazing after simmering and infusing the flavours BUT the little bugger won't freeze! After two attempts in the ice cream maker and the little motor stopping from overheating twice i'm a bit deflated in my adventure!

Trouble shooting time......
Firstly to my dear science minded friends I do realise alcohol doesn't freeze but surely I burnt all the alcohol content off simmering it on the stove for 20 mins?? (and inhaled and got quite tipsy off most of it may I add) Juice freezes! Damn it juice why aren't you freezing!? hmmm

Secondly after reading the manual (clever yes I know) i'm thinking maybe I didn't freeze the canister long enough and maybe didn't even cool the mixture long enough. The manual reckons if all is well it should freeze in 40 mins!

So i've cranked my freezer down to the lowest possible, will freeze the canister for 24 hours, keep the mix cold and try again tomorrow night. Hold onto your seats kiddies maybe tomorrow night i'll be back on with photo's of my glorious FROZEN yummy desert! Fingers crossed!

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