Wednesday, May 25, 2011

an apology and a cake (though the cake isn't for the apology...anyway)

So i've been slack. Super mega big time, terribly slack and haven't blogged for what seems like ages. So to the 3 of you out there that care, please accept these flowers as my humble apology.... 

I'll change my ways honey, i promise! It won't happen again! So now that you forgive me, onwards to cake!

We had a very interesting cake related discussion over dinner (my second night in a row of dumplings down on gouger...i'm not ashamed to admit it!) regarding the whole bringing a cake to work on your birthday scenario. You see for me, a cake is a gift, and birthdays are all about cake, and birthdays to me are so important. We're such a critical, closed and self involved society, it seems like birthdays are one of the only times we stop and go, 'hey, I'm really glad you're on this planet'. And what better way to do that than with cake??

So when it comes to bringing your own cake on your birthday in the workplace, it just seems kinda upside down and not in a good way like caramelized pear upside down cake - that sort of upside down is so so right! oh definitely my next cake! with white chocolate bits I reckon. 

So my opposition in this discussion almost swayed my judgement (in good lawyer style) by appealing to my greediness for new flavors, (despite almost discrediting his position while mincing his way through a plate of dainty steamed mini pork buns (as a side note incredibly silky dough, amazing!)). His argument was that if every person in the workplace brings a cake on their birthday you get a different cake every time, and get to try cakes from all the different cultures in your workplace. That almost had me, the promise of a food safari brought to me 79+ recesses a year is very appealing. But his lovely lady and I still came back to my original point. Birthday cake is one of those things the people who love you give you, that's the natural order of things. A matter of principle.

So it's one of my lovely Arts Faculty colleague's birthdays, and damn it, she's not bringing her own cake. With a belly full of dumpling goodness, nicely topped off with gelati, I headed home to bake & blog. For this lovely lady, a classic with a twist! Some of you may remember the sell your grandmother for rich flourless chocolate cake from a while back. I think this lady deserves it, spiked with raspberries and macadamia's. It's gonna be a struggle to not cut into it before the birthday girl!

oh and Humpty Dumpty was a cannon and it was never specified that it was an egg.


  1. in case you cared....

  2. OOOH! I've never got comments before so i didn't think to check! Kitching i will spend my afternoon educating myself on the legal system!

  3. Oh, hey! I just noticed this post! Nawww... you're the sweetest, Baker! Lauren. xoxox
